Saturday 27 April 2013

Autumn Rogaine

27th April 2013, Moira and Giles went on the Autumn Rogaine at Bungonia. It took us 2 hours to get there. This is of  Moira planning our  route.

We took a short cut but we had to climb over a fence and it was very tricky.

This is check point number 55. It was near a big hole and Moira nearly fell in it but Moira saw it and stopped and went back the other way.

This is a very prickly bush, we saw a lot of these and Moira got brushed in the cheek and the eye (don't tell Mum - G).

We are at check point number 45. It was very hard to find and Moira fell over on her bottom getting there twice. (Don't tell Mum - G). We had a snack at check point 45.

It was very hard to walk through all this and all this came from a lot of bushfires.

It was hard navigation because it is hard to look through all the trees and bushes. (I agree the navigation was hard! G)

It was very bushy.

These are the new generation of plants after the bushfire. We saw lots of these.


This is checkpoint number 34.

We had our lunch at checkpoint number 34.

The kangaroos joined us for lunch.

We looked around the hut and this is a picture of the inside.

When we were on the trail we did some more planning.
This is checkpoint 74. A ruined house.

We had to walk down a dry river to get there.

We saw lots of termite mounds.

 We had to crawl under a fence to get to checkpoint number 33 and to get back. (Lots of the fences were not on the map - this one was very tricky to get past. Don't tell Mum, but she might guess when she sees the washing pile - G)

It was dark when we finished and we had to wear our head torches. It was the first time Moira had worn a head torch on her head for bushwalking. (A very tired Moira at the end of the Rogaine - 13km in 6 hours over some very tricky terrain. Dad is very proud of her!)

 Here is the map that guided us through the Rogaine and we took it with us. At the end of the Rogaine we got to sit around a camp fire and Moira threw a lot of sticks in and she ate one big slice of watermelon, two tiny chock chip cookies and a plate full of Pasta. YUMMY!

Thank you to the people who organised the Rogaine, Moira and Daddy had fun.


  1. Looks like you had a fantastic day! You must be doing really well in Rogainer of the Year competition as well as getting really good at navigation and bushwhacking.

  2. Hi Moira,

    Loved the Rogaine report. Its amazing how good watermelon can be when you've been out in the bush all day, crawling over logs and under fences etc. Looking forward to the next report!


  3. What a great report Moira! You were obviously very patient waiting for your Giles all that time. I'm sure you had to resort to offering him lollies to get him to the final checkpoint. 13km is a long walk. I hope you slept well afterwards.
    Ben and Felix

  4. Hi Moira! That sounds fun!
